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Deploy Your Static Export Next.js Website to Vercel Easily


Recently, I wanted to deploy one of my static exported Next.js sites to Vercel. However, I found that there were only two options on the Vercel dashboard:

  1. Deploy from a Git repository
  2. Deploy from a template

However, I wanted to deploy some static files that I had generated.

After some research and testing, I found that I could use the vercel CLI to deploy my site, and actually this is super convenient.


First, you need to install the vercel CLI.

npm i -g vercel

Here, we're installing the vercel CLI globally, which will enable us to use vercel in any of our later projects.

Build your site

Next, you need to build your site.

Make sure you have add output: export to your next.config.js(or next.config.ts) file.

// next.config.(js|ts)
module.exports = {
  output: 'export', // enable static export
  trailingSlash: true,

Tips: the trailingSlash option is optional, because Vercel can handle the two different cases. Their difference is as follows:

trailingSlash: true
"" -> ""

trailingSlash: false
"" -> ""

Then, build your site:

npm run build

After the build is complete, you will find a out folder in your project root, which contains all the static files that you need to deploy.

Deploy to Vercel

Now, you can deploy your site to Vercel.

npx vercel

There will be some prompts asking you for extra information:

? Set up and deploy “<your project path>? yes
? Which scope should contain your project? projects
? Link to existing project? no
? What’s your project’s name? <your project name>
? In which directory is your code located? ./out

Most of the cases, you can just press Enter to use the default value, until you see ? In which directory is your code located?. Here, you need to type in out, which is the directory that contains all the static files that you need to deploy. Then, you can press Enter to continue.

After that, you will see the deployment progress, which will take a few minutes.

Well done! You have successfully deployed your static exported Next.js site to Vercel. There will be URL of your site in the terminal. You can check the url in vercel dashboard.

Deploy again later

It's very easy and convenient to deploy again using vercel CLI.

First, build the project:

npm run build

Then, deploy it to vercel:

npx vercel --prod

Wait for the files to be uploaded and it will be done automatically. Then, visit the URL of your site to check the changes.